Asian Kits for New Parents have arrived
The Kits for New Parents are now available for Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese speaking parents.
Order yours now by filling out the Kit for New Parent order form and faxing to ECC at 875-2410.
What is The Kit for New Parents?
The Kit for New Parents (shown above) serves as a practical resource on a wide range of parenting topics and ideas to help prepare their children to reach their greatest potential in school and life.
The free Kit now includes:
- Advice for New Parents DVD with a new Oral Health section
- Advice for New Parents companion booklet(English and Spanish Kit only)
- “What to do When your Child Gets Sick”
- “Happy Baby” Bilingual book
- “Healthy Teeth Begins at Birth” pamphlet
- “Playing with Your Baby/Toddler” pamphlets
- Healthy Families enrollment information
- Poison Action Line information
- Parent Guide Resource booklet
- Growth Chart: Look at me! Birth to three!
- Request Postcard for VHS tape
Community and public agencies that provide services to families with children 0 to 5 years partner with Every Child Counts to distribute the Kit, free of charge. If you would like to distribute Kits, please complete and submit the Order Form for Kits for New Parents . You can either receive free on-going, monthly delivery of Kits or receive a free one-time shipment. In either case, you will need to arrange storage for the Kits.
Parents can order the Parent Kits directly from the state:
- For English Kits, call (800) 543-7025
- For Spanish Kits, call (800) 506-4667
- For Chinese Kits(Mandarin or cantonese), call (800) 597-9366
- For Korean Kits, call (800) 597-9551
- For Vietnamese Kits, call (800) 597-9855
Providers can click on Tips on Introducing the Kit for suggestions on how to talk to parents about the Kit. Remember, the Kits are most helpful for parents before the baby arrives.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact ZeeLaura Page at 510.875.2486 or